TATV Newsround: West Africa to Mars via Bengaluru and Abu Dhabi

This week's TATV Newsround brings travels from West Africa to Mars via Bengaluru and Abu Dhabi – and all stations in between.

The CEO of India’s Alliance Air - the regional arm of Air India – who happens to be the first female leader of an Indian commercial airline, Harpreet A De Singh, explains to Neelam Mathews why she is shopping locally for the aircraft she hopes will open up routes in the North East of the country.

Space editor Steve Nichols turns his telescope towards the Red Planet. While the UAE is still celebrating the triumph of the Arab world’s first intergalactic mission, he outlines the importance of the programme – and how close it was to disaster.

Obi Mbanuzuo. Chief Operating Officer of Nigeria’s Dana Airlines tells Air Transport editor Victoria Moores, how business is picking up in the populous West African country and reveals the plans for fleet investment.

And while the Middle East prepares for next week’s IDEX defence show in Abu Dhabi – the start of the post Covid revival according to the UAE’s military team, the first show to stage a  come back was Aero India in Bengaluru and Jay Menon gives his highlights from the event.

Hosted by Alan Peaford with GCC Editor Jill Stockbridge on the news desk, enjoy a rapid tour of the whole Africa, Middle East and South Asia industry highlights.

Steve Nichols

Steve Nichols

Steve (BSc Hons, FIIC) is a journalist and communicator with more than 35 years' experience.

Victoria Moores

Victoria Moores

Victoria Moores is an award-winning aviation journalist, specialising in African aviation.

Jay Menon

Jay is currently based in Bengaluru and has been writing writing on defence and aerospace for the past 10 years.